Become a Patron of Liste

As a patron, you are part of an exciting journey through the contemporary art of emerging galleries and receive exclusive benefits such as an invitation to an exceptional cocktail on the opening day of Liste as well as the opportunity to participate in an extensive Patrons of Liste event. Join us on this journey by completing the registration form via the red button below.

Benefits of being a Patron of Liste

– VIP status (including VIP ticket and preview invitation, early access to Liste Showtime Online)
– Invitation to an exclusive Patrons of Liste cocktail on the opening day of the fair
– Invitation to a special annual Patrons of Liste event  
– Invitation to the Friends of Liste apéro during the fair
– Exclusive guided tour through Liste and a meet-and-greet with the supported galleries

Head of Patrons of Liste

Andreas Siegfried

Click here to register
If you have any questions, please contact

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